After listening to the TDW - Tung Desem Waringin CD Audio, I realize what have been missing from my life. That is an action.
Action means doing, rather than just thinking without an action that will give me zero solution. Sometimes, when we are headed into one condition, we get stuck and don't know what to do, we forced ourselves to find out a solution to break the problem. But sometimes, we just cannot move our mind from just thinking. We cannot decide what the best thing to do. I found out lately, that we cannot just use our mind to think, but we have to take action by deciding and doing.
Deciding means we have to choose. In deciding, we have to be more concern about learning how emotion and our mind will affect our decision. We need to be brave in our decision. Brave enough to say I will decide. And also, I find that we usually use 12 - 45 % of our mind and 55 - 88 % of our emotion. The question is, can we change its position?

The final conclusion is.. to get your self to become successful person, you have to get out from the comfort zone, get out from the daily condition and have a brave commitment to be changed by your Action. Take action means taking the opportunity. So, now set up your choice and do without any hesitation.
I really hope that it could motivate all of you. Determine it ! Set your new standard from now on !!
" Do or die, don't ask why !!! "
just shoot if sure that is your goal...