Condition of that days force us
One biggest mistake for a relationship is depending to one another. By depending on, one cannot hold on to an identity that make someone become "unique". Depend on others in many ways, bring weaknesses to a person, and it may become worst when it is continued as a habit. people will loose their identity.
And that's what had happened. Even if the condition that days force us to do that, recently, come to a thinking to have these statements : how could that happened, it' s a big mistake, It was wrong to count on somebody else.
Case 2...
Commitment lost
When someone makes a promise to another, meaning, in deep commitment, there's something inserted which is the basic of a commitment : Believe.
When someone believe, in a relationship, it will describe like someone is handing the important matter and let the other get involved in it, together arranging something in the term of progressing by solving problems.
When someone in that chain of relation, break the promise, the commitment in this case, automatically something will be disturbed. Imbalanced. Dissapointment appears. Untrusted.
After that it should be : rethinking.
Everything will be back to zero. Needs a lot of energy to stacked the block again. Tiring and it might go through long negotiation.
Only a wide ocean heart can accept that... to start all over again.
Case 3...
Cannot forgive
When it has passed the reconciliation stage and get a new resolution, someone will try hard to keep the balance and make sure that everything worked properly. Keep an eye for every posibility of making mistakes. Try not to get hurt anymore, keep the heart beats as usual that in fact it works twice in beating!
And after all, accident always follow the first accident that ever happen, someone who already dissapointed would turn into giving up. Make a U-turn. Close the door and throw away the key of heart would be an easier option than starting it over from zero.
So, here it comes the "cannot forgive". Decision to be made, the easiest one, to decrease the burden in heart. Over the limit, cross the line. Patient is not the key anymore.
Cannot forgive is the determination.
Case 4...
This part will never leads into satisfaction
In this part, there's so many "finished and unfinished" that can never resolved in a short term. People take a long break to heal their heart, renew their life. Throwing temper sometimes. Find something to comfort life. A new begin. All to the good. But still there's "finished and Unfinished", as long as there's no convenient state of the heart, people will still try to "finish" the "unfinished"
I guess, that's how it is.
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